Personal development for people
who want to do more and live better
Let Me Ask You...
Are you ready to change your life?
You can’t change your life until you acknowledge, address, and deal with past mistakes, current challenges, abandoned goals, loneliness, and stress.
You can…
Live a life where your circumstances do not determine your level of success — a life where you can rise above your circumstances and live abundantly.
If you are ready to transform...
Change Your Narrative, Change Your Life answers the question, “How can I live the life of my dreams?” It guides you through three powerful steps designed to help you face, disarm, and ultimately rewrite your personal story from being one that is limiting to one that emboldens you to pursue an authentic, empowered, abundant, joyous life. Whether that is feeling free, standing in your personal power, being confident, having abundance, or having inner joy Change Your Narrative, Change Your Life will help you get there.
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It's Time to Stop Taking Your Abilities for Granted.
It's time to start changing your life.
You dream of a good life — an uncommon life. Well, it’s time to start living your extraordinary life. Change Your Narrative, Change Your Life will help you divorce yourself from the thoughts that are keeping you separated from your dreams, goals, and ultimately the life you want. It’s the change agent that will help you make a change. Here’s how.
- Drastically increase the positivity in your life and receive greater abundance and opportunities
- Re-wire your brain to automatically align yourself with what you truly want to get the have the best possible life
- Easily stay committed and on track with our fully guided course
- Go from struggling to thriving with additional personalized support
Discover Life-Transforming Steps
Change Your Narrative, Change Your Life answers the question, “How can I live the life of my dreams?” It guides you through three powerful steps designed to help you face, disarm, and ultimately rewrite your personal story from being one that is limiting to one that emboldens you to pursue an authentic, empowered, confident, abundant, joyous life. Whether that is feeling free, standing in your personal power, being confident, having abundance, or having inner joy this course will help you get there.

Step One
Face It
What is the origin of your narrative? What experiences shaped you into who you are today? The first section takes a deep dive into why a healthy narrative is so important for achieving success. It will teach you to identify what may really be holding you back, not just what your brain believes is holding you back. This section will also explain how emotions can trick us into taking responsibility for things that are outside our control.

Step Two
Disarm It
While none of us are born with a totally “blank slate,” early life experiences can have an outweighed effect on the formation of a narrative. This section unpacks some of the best ways to perform the crucial task of disarming a toxic narrative. Like Tarzan swinging through the jungle, you must let go of the previous vine before grabbing on to the next. This section helps place your narrative in the wider context of society’s assumptions and it explains how to accept the past while re-writing a narrative that better prepares for an idealized future.

Step Three
Rewrite It
Once your current narrative is revealed by the searchlight of keen and honest analysis, it is time to do the real work. This section offers some of the most effective strategies I know about for successfully re-writing anyone’s narrative. Many of these methods are drawn from my own trials and experiences living with a disability. This final section aims to install the rewritten narrative into your everyday actions and intentions. Just because you know something does not mean you will make the right decisions in stressful times. The “Great Install” is meant to nudge you off the hamster wheel of life to live with intention and purpose.
Results You'll See
From the Course
New View
of Life
Expanded 180-degree view of what’s possible — Your idea of what you can do and how far you can go will change. You will be confident in knowing that you are capable of and deserving of more than you ever thought possible. You will stop seeing life as just a series of adversities and be empowered to tackle challenges.
Deepened Belief
in Yourself
Yes, you are capable. Change Your Narrative, And Change Your Life will guide you to a renewed sense of your strength and the impact you can have on yourself and others. And after, you will know that you are more than able to impact your life and create something that envelops you in joy.
A powerful inner confidence that will allow you to implement new strategies — You will have the peace that confidence and strength bring to life. You will have the courage to start and try new strategies. You will be able to stand tall and firm in your choices and decisions.
With Your Course

Guided Video Lessons
A series of 14 short, yet meaningful lessons designed to instruct and inform while impacting your life

Progress Enhancing Worksheets
Comprehensive worksheets with just one goal - to help you better internalize the information in the videos

A Supportive and Accessible Online Community
Supportive online community to encourage you as you progress through this course
About Your Teachers

About Sourena
Although born with severe cerebral palsy, which resulted in him having to use a wheelchair and speaking with an impediment, Sourena Vasseghi does not let his physical limitations define the possibilities of his life.
Although his differences are profound and their impact great, Sourena, the writer who cannot write and the speaker who cannot speak, has worked through his limitations to craft a career from skills that he literally cannot perform.
Sourena’s determination to live a full and engaged life led him to graduate from the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business. And, subsequently, when he was unable to land a job in corporate America, it led him to create a career for himself as an author, inspirational speaker, and entrepreneur.
Sourena has spoken at TEDx, and he has been featured on media outlets such as NBC, ESPN, and BBC Capital just to name a few.
No matter the audience or the venue, Sourena never fails to deliver his message of inspiration, motivation, achieving one’s goals, and empowerment.

About Chris
Chris Stevenson is a fighter. He started fighting as a martial artist, then as a Power Ranger, and now he fights to help business owners push through obstacles to grow their businesses.
At his award-winning gym, Stevenson Fitness, Chris provides his clients with excellent customer service as they push their limits.
Currently, Chris is combining his stage talent and his penchant for client experience to become a highly sought-after speaker in the fitness industry.
When working with Sourena, Chris helps him bring his keynotes, online training, and coaching sessions to life.
Together Chris and Sourena make an engaging and witty team that entertains audiences while skillfully presenting their ideas of self-empowerment.

A Man of Strength and Inspiration
"I've always known Sourena to be a man of strength and inspiration...he demonstrates a roadmap to maximizing the best life has to offer by making clear the relationship between vision and work ethic. Once again, Sourena has helped me strive to be my best."
Pete Carroll, Super Bowl Winning Coach

Positive and Inspiring Message...Achievement Over Adversity
"Sourena and Chris are a great double act. They have a positive and inspiring message of achievement over adversity. It was an honor to meet them both."
Peter Bowes, BBC Correspondent
Frequently Asked Questions
Got questions? Well… we have answers. Keep reading to find the answers to the questions that are most often asked.
Who is this course for?
Will I have lifetime access to the course materials?
Will I receive one-on-one support?
Do you offer other courses or resources to help me?
Can I got at my own pace?
Do you offer refunds?
How soon can I expect results?
More Questions? Contact Us.