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17 Seconds

I am launching an Indiegogo campaign for pre-sales of my book Big Dreams Take Small Sacrifices. Part of that campaign involves a video that I’m having edited.

In the video, I speak with my onstage partner about being ordinary. Last Friday, we set up a time to meet and unexpectedly, my partner got called into a meeting. We were texting and emailing all day to set up a time to meet. We finally met around 5:00 pm and after half an hour of takes, we got it done. After I edited the video, it was only 17 seconds.

The number one thing I am reminded of over and over again is that it doesn’t matter what sacrifices I have to make, the only the issue that matters in my mind is whether I want to get it done, or not.

I cannot compare how much other people have to sacrifice, the only thing that matters to me is whether my efforts are worth it to me.

There are times when life is easy and there are times when life is not so easy. The trick is to determine what sacrifices need to be done today.

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