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Be Intentional

Our lives can feel random sometimes.  We have goals and dreams.  However, we feel that life, obligations, challenges, and other outside factors get in the way of life.

 One way that we can take control of our destiny is to set intentions in our lives. With that being said, no matter how intentional you are, there are going to be situations that have the potential to get in the way.  If you are intentional about how you spend your money, the water heater will still break.  No matter how intentional you are on your diet, you will still crave ice cream or your coworkers will bring cake.  Don’t make the mistake of thinking that these random occurrences should cause you to give up.  Don’t be a victim.

 In order to be intentional you need to have control over your time, your energy, and your emotions. 

 Much of my life is dictated by the needs of my disability.  It often feels that I have to get permission from my disability to do anything.  There are activities that are emotionally exhausting.  I have to exude a lot of physical energy just to speak.  At the same time, I am über ambitious and truly have a love of life. 

 Here are my strategies to be intentional with your life.

  1. Taking control of your time is the first place you should start when being intentional.  There should be part of your day that is yours and yours only.  Of course, there will be parts of your day that are dedicated to other people such as your children, your spouse, or your professional obligations.  There also needs to be “me” time.  This time should be dedicated to growing your mind or body whether that’s exercise, meditation, learning, practicing your faith, or journaling.
  2. Make the best of most situations. A big part of being intentional is making the best of most situations.  If you eat out a lot, expect and have a plan to deal with a not-so-good waiter.  If you drive in traffic, have your playlist or podcast keyed up.  Focus on singing at the top of your lungs instead of focusing on traffic.  When you spend time with loved ones or friends get excited about the night.  Don’t just wing it or play it by ear.  Visualize and plan out situations throughout your day.  When people talk about visualization, they often only talk about the big picture.  However, you can visualize anything in your life from a meeting at work to what you can do at the gym to calling your friend to going out with your family. 
  3. Set goals. Without goals, you will have a hard time finding a destination.  Without a destination, you won’t have any direction.  Without direction, you can’t be as intentional as you should be.
  4. A powerful way to set intentions is to document your intended actions beforehand.  This could be writing down goals, making a to-do list, or even a shopping list.  If you don’t make a shopping list, you might come home with chips and chocolate.  Documentation forces you to make decisions beforehand rather than the emotional charged state of the present

 Part of clarity is being intentional.  You have more control over your time, your moods, or anything that leads to an amazing life.






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