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Life Gets In The Way

One issue with achieving our goals is that life gets in the way. A couple of weeks ago, I was on my way to get into bed and I heard a pop in my back. This was the day before I was going to go to Vegas to watch my stage partner, Chris, present at an event. During the trip, my back bothered me, but I ignored it. I had a few adult beverages and that did the trick. When I got back home, I realized that it was more serious, especially because I had a hard time sitting. As a guy in a wheel chair, being able to sit is crucial.

Oftentimes, life gets in the way of our goals. I wanted the first part of the year to be really productive and it was until that point. For me, a back issue or injury is compounded by my disability. My random movements make healing take more time. Like with any limitation, the goal is not to ignore it, but rather work around the challenge. My primary focus is to get better. I have learned that health is the main component to success.

While I recover, I adjusted my routine. I lean on my team for support. I figured out how to get what I need to get accomplished. I met with Chris to shoot videos. In fact, I’m dictating this post while I’m laid up.

Life will give you any excuse to not achieve your goals. The question is how badly do you want your goals?

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