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Listen More, Do Better

Photo by stefano manzini on Unsplash

If you’ve followed this blog you have probably read about my challenges as a disabled person.  Well, there is a consequence of being in a wheelchair that you may be unaware of.  Let me share.  Scuff marks.  One of the hundreds of downsides of being disabled is my chair often scuffs my walls, so it’s time to paint the house.


I consider myself to be an expert on a few things in life.  Painting, however, is not one of those things.  So, I consulted someone more knowledgeable about the task before me— my cousin.


My cousin recommended my wife and I take pictures of our house, go to a paint store, and talk to a design expert.  We followed his suggestions and got started with the project.


Upon his suggestion, we went to the paint store and consulted the in-store designer. The designer looked at the pictures, asked questions to gauge our taste, and presented us with ideas that excited my wife and me.


This story may seem like the recounting of a trivial, meaningless event.  But, trust me it’s much more than that.  Seeking advice and welcoming the suggestions of others hasn’t come naturally to me.  I have made a concerted effort to grow in this area.  For the last few years, I have focused on listening to experts rather than doing everything unilaterally.   


Not Going It Alone

I am pleased that I no longer believe that I have to go it alone on most decisions.

I benefit from having put together a team and listening to them in my business.  They each have their area of expertise and I just simply let them vibe in that lane.  This system allows everyone to have the opportunity to contribute.


For any organization to work, we have to agree on certain things.  My team and I might not agree on everything, but we have specific values and principles that we live and operate by.


It’s time to go back to the lessons we learned as children.  Listen more than you talk.  

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