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Want To Level Up? Get Ready To Be Uncomfortable.

Have you felt as though you are in automatic mode?  That’s the mode where you just do things.  You may not be sure of the purpose, but you just perform.  It has also been called going through the motions. Many of us have been there.  However, if you want to improve your life, it is imperative that you don’t just go through the motions but nimbly approach your life ready to adjust when necessary.


In the last few weeks, I have been focused on being more strategic in my efforts to reach my goals. Let me be honest with you. It’s not easy. It pushes me outside of my comfort zone. It requires me to not only seek, but also to listen to wise counsel.


It’s hard. It’s uncomfortable. It’s necessary.


These are just the growing pains of someone who wants to do more and live better.


When we are trying to expand our lives and live uncommonly, we have to be willing to say goodbye to the old us.  In some cases, this may mean working more hours. It may mean seeking new friends. It may mean being dedicated to your goals in ways that once seemed unimaginable.


Whatever old skin you have to shed, you can be sure that the shedding will be uncomfortable.


But… do not worry.


The pains, groans, and stretching of growth are you releasing yourself from past habits and becoming a new you — a new version of yourself, ready to achieve more and be more.


Here’s a warning: It’s easy to look for a way to ease the pain of growth. But please understand that one just has to go through the pain.


Are you ready to live and not just go through the motions of life? I hope so.  I hope you are ready and willing to do the work and live an unparalleled life.


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