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Will Your Life Ever Be 100% in Balance?

Our lives are never totally balanced.  We have to deal with distractions, priorities, goals, and challenges.  If we are not careful, we can easily lose balance and never get it back.  Just like anything else in life, we have to make sure that our goal is to find balance in our life.

Many mornings before I start working I read books.  I always have a few books in the queue waiting for me.  Primarily, I read self-development and marketing books.  These books help me in my life and in my business. 

Recently, I have been busy on a project.  So, I have been neglecting this habit of morning reading. This new project could be a game changer.  However, instead of reading, I find myself researching and asking a lot of questions on YouTube and myself.  

One morning, I decided that when I got to my computer, I would open a book and read.  I told myself not to check emails and not to open YouTube.  All I did was turn on Pandora and read The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday.  This small act caused me to feel  more energized, more focused and I was ready to tackle the day.

It’s easy to justify being busy, but for me, no matter how busy I am, I need those moments of getting lost in a book.  Like I said in the beginning– balance is never 100%.  However, the goal is to always seek balance.


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