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Why It's Important to Keep Growing

As we settle into our lives and achieve a modicum of success, it’s easy to stop growing and make big assumptions about what it takes to...

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What The Fourth of July Means to Me

Remember that the Fourth of July has deep and important meanings.  It’s not only about food, fireworks, and sales.  It’s...

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Two Powerful Ideas

I want to give you two quick and powerful ideas.


Idea #1

I absolutely love creating content, writing, and developing frameworks. ...

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From the Valley to Paradise

I just had two amazing adventures.  First, I spent the week in Hawaii with my extended family.  Then I went to the Dodger game where I...

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How Interacting With Others Can Help You Reach your Goals

Find people and interact with them so that you can live an amazing life.  We are all interdependent on ideas, and strategies, and we...

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How Putting Attention in the Right Areas Can Help You Reach Your Goals

We can pay attention to our dreams or we can pay attention to our challenges.  


We can pay attention to our past or we can pay...

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Seeking Wisdom

There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom.  Knowledge is learning about a specific event or history or a specific skill.  We...

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Emotional Endurance

Challenges are just a part of life.

If you really get to know any successful person, their story is filled with ups, downs, and unbelievable...

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Positive Energy

When I started writing I assumed that I needed to be honest by sharing every single thought and every single emotion.  But, now I realize that...

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Priorities and Distractions

Let’s face it, most people are not going after an amazing life.


It’s challenging.

Many would rather engage in distractions...

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