One of my favorite people is Larry Winget. In 2005, I gave my first speech to a group of Persian women with my father interpreting for me. At the...
Are you having trouble sticking with your goals?
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When people have goals or New Year’s resolutions they are excited because they...
Wow, 2017 was a great year at The Sourena V. Group, and 2018 will be the best year ever. We spent the last year setting up processes for online...
This year I have been a little MIA with my blog, but I want to commit to blogging every week. I thought that I would blog about Thanksgiving...
Here is a video that Chris shot on a trip to Orlando. My partners Chris Stevenson and Marty Velasco are great friends and we all like to travel and...
Here is a video that Chris shot on a trip to Orlando. My partners Chris Stevenson and Marty Velasco are great friends and we all like to travel and...
A debilitating condition has left Sourena Vasseghi with a severe speech impediment. But that hasn’t stopped him building a successful career...
Limitations exist but they only stop you if you let them! Check out this follow up video to Sourena's last blog about Peyton Manning and...
The weekend before last Payton Manning won his second Super Bowl as a quarterback for his second team in the NFL, the Denver Broncos. The old...