We are in November and, this time of the year, most people are slowing down and getting ready for the holidays. However, I want you to have a head...
A majority of our behavior is learned. We learn from the people that we interact with, the media, our friends and family, etc. By watching people,...
In our quest to become amazing and live out our goals, we need to be encouraged by the right people in the right way. We underestimate the...
Convention says that we need to always need to be motivated and inspired. Although this is true, and I believe that we need to find a way to find...
We are all part of many conversations. We have conversations with our friends, our family, colleagues, acquaintances, and other interactions. These...
When you are working on your goals or you set new goals, one of the activities that you need to perform is a constant diet of information that will...
Becoming amazing involves taking on challenges and as important as taking new emotional challenges. If you don’t have a positive emotional...
Last week, I wrote about the importance of a healthy emotional diet. We are influenced by the events surrounding us, and we are emotional...
Emotions play a part in how you go after your goals, go about your day, and deal with challenges that come up. Human beings are naturally...
Summer is a time when most people take some time off and take some sort of vacation. It’s also a time when many people have to adjust their...