I often say positivity is more than a feel-good Pollyanna concept. It is a principle of success. “Why?” You ask. Any...
There is nothing quite like having to perform tasks that just don’t excite you. I’m sure you have a list of tasks that just...
It’s almost summer. The days are longer and warmer. The mood is more relaxed. College students may be home from...
Here’s a fact: Challenges are just unavoidable. They are not unique to you and me. You probably don’t like this fact, but it is still...
A few weeks ago, I returned to elementary school as a speaker. Let me tell you, kids are smart. They are also uninhibited. ...
This week, 22 years ago, I graduated from the University of Southern California. Moving out of one’s parent’s home to attend college is...
Recently, I was invited to speak at a local elementary school. The challenging part of speaking to kids is constructing a simple yet,...
In this instant gratification, microwaveable society we live in, the art of patience is getting lost. We are starting to lose sight of the...
You can easily list the people who you would trade lives with. Maybe your list includes a bunch of celebrities. Maybe a bunch of...
Most of the time, regrets don’t come from trying and failing. Regrets come from not trying at all or not being aggressive. Part...