After I speak or after someone reads my book, one of the most frequent comments that I get is that they are embarrassed of complaining. Now, do I...
I was reluctant to start tweeting because I assumed that I would tweet stuff such as having dinner with my friend or it’s midnight and I...
The beginning of 1998 was a particularly difficult time in my life. It was in the middle of a series of events that brought me face to face with my...
My mother Zahra went back to school to get her degree in the late 80s. Back then, my father Ben worked at his restaurant all day on Sundays....
When times get challenging we become more disciplined. When times are good, it’s in our nature to not be quite so rigid, and this does not...
Oftentimes, my life as a disabled person feels like stop and go traffic. The setting has to be just right in order for me to work my hardest, which...
We constantly hear that if you want to succeed, you must always give 100% of your effort. I disagree with this. There are many times when...
Let me begin with a quick hypothetical story.
Let’s say it’s a Friday night in the dead of winter in Chicago. A guy has the Bulls...
Life has so many components, from going to school to being a successful professional, hanging out with friends in high school to creating a family,...